Medical Records
Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday through FridayPhone: (951) 352-5314 (Direct)
(951) 688-2211 extension 5314, 1213
Patient Portal Phone: (951) 352-5306 (Direct)
Address: Parkview Community Hospital
Attn: Medical Records
3865 Jackson Street
Riverside, CA 92503
Location: We are located in the basement of the Hospital, suite 003.
The Medical Records Department maintains patient health information in a secure manner and only releases patient data to recognized entities with legal right to review the contents. Please be advised that our staff is limited to what information they are able to disclose to you over the phone.
When requesting your medical record, please include the following information and send back via fax or by mail (applicable forms are found at the bottom of the page):
- Authorization Form (Consent to Release)
- Photocopy of a valid ID or Drivers License
- Patient Portal Access (Patient Portal Consent Form)
NOTE: If you are requesting a medical record for anyone other than yourself, please contact the Medical Records Department at the phone number listed above.
Contact Us:
Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday
Phone: (951) 688-2211 extension: 4188
For Attorney and Copy services ONLY:
For request of Medical records only: You may serve the request in person or by mail to the Medical Records department. There is a $15.00 processing fee (check or cash only) made payable to Parkview Community Hospital. If you are requesting billing information, please contact the Business office at (951) 688-2211 extension: 2268, 2269.
Contact us:
Phone: (951) 688-2211
Extension: 2808 - English
Extension: 1189 - Spanish
Birth Certificate Specialist will distribute paper work for the Birth Certificate after the birth.
Parents please complete the forms as soon as you can to prevent delay in the discharge process.
The Declaration of Paternity Form must be signed by both parents in order to establish paternity and for the father's name to be included on the Birth Certificate.
The Declaration of Paternity Form may not be signed until after the birth and must be witnesses by either the nursing staff or birth certificate specialist.
Please contact us if you have any further questions, comments or concerns.
02577_Authorization for Disclosure (Spa)_11-2020_.pdf
02577_Authorization for Disclosure (Eng)_11-2020_.pdf